11:05pm - Submitted by a New Rome Sucks Supporter:
Sorry 'bout the large picture (and long download), but hope you remember the old slogan where they always say that "Rome wasn't built in a day." However, you're probably very familiar with being "bilked" out of your hard-earned money... Therefore, New Rome was "bilked" in a day! THIS ONE'S FOR YOU, JIM!
That is great! Thanks!
10:08pm - Michael (michael@newromesucks.com ) submitted this good article from ThisWeek in the West Side:
Article - New Rome: so few people, so little land, so much trouble
4:10pm - Just got this mail from a New Rome Sucks supporter:
New Rome PD has sent business owners a flyer warning
of a, "March on the Village."
It looks like it was typed by a child in all capitol
letters. Of course the letter was not signed by anyone at the rent
a cop substation. It even cites newromesucks as where the information
was gathered. I didn't know they had a cyber patrol division.
The letter encourages business owners to call them if their business is disrupted.
Sounds like an excuse to falsely arrest people.
Since they probably have never actually taken a real
police call I doubt they would have any idea what to charge people with.
I am glad they sent that out. I want the people
of New Rome Village to know we are NOT against them. We are against
what their leaders have made New Rome in to. The citizens of New Rome
who are NOT involved in their corrupt government are just as much victims
as we are. If you're not in with them they will abuse you as much as
they abuse everyone who drives through New Rome. I have talked to people
in the Village who are not part of the little government clique and they
are just as tired of it all as we are. Not to mention the NRPD disrupts
their business a hell of a lot more than we ever will!
2:54pm - I am getting e-mail about people wanting to march in March! This will be great! New Rome won't know what to do with themselves!
They are fighting like a cornered animal. They know at this point
it's their last stand. If they lose the council it's all over.
I think we should go around to New Rome residents around voting time and encourage
them to dissolve the Village. This would solve everyone problems.
Another email from a fine New Rome resident:
Too bad you don't have a life......"they" say some
little boys don't grow up. Well, you are proof that it's true.
I think it's funny that you had to go to Franklin Co. court and pay extra
charges. If New Rome has the reputation of being such a speed
trap, then you're an idiot to speed through New Rome. Waaaaaaaah,
waaaaaaaah, waaaaaaaaaaaah. Just pay your fines and learn from
the experience. Trust me, New Rome police don't want you driving
through the village any more than you want to drive through. Stay away
from our fine village and we'll all be happy.
By the way, this isn't my computer, so this isn't my
I have a life. It is now dedicated to bringing New Rome down. I'm going Waaah Waah Waah? Funny, I have News footage of your "fine" village council crying because they are not getting their way. Now who is crying?
As for not being your computer or address: Just shows how much of a coward you are. Must not be TOO proud of your "fine" Village if you can't defend it in your own name. How pathetic.
5:41pm - I love getting this kind of email. I would like to think it's suppose to be funny, but I suppose there has to be a few born.
Hay Jim
You beter back off while you are a head, This Little
Village belongs to
even want to deal with
him, Thay will shut you DOWN.
Now, I hate to be insulting but this looks like it was written by a child...or Larry Cunningham. Here will be my reply:
How do you figure I am ahead? And no one, let alone Jamie, likes Cunningham! I'm surprised he can stand to be in the same room with himself! And what exactly would he shut down?
In closing what do you care and how do you figure into anything?
PS: Learn to use a spell checker before you
try to intimidate me.
7:29am - It's days like these I am proud to be a New Rome Sucks supporter! After seeing last nights news I wish I could have been at that meeting with my New Rome Sucks shirt on. Jamie Mueller did a great job of showing the old council who was in control! I applaud him!
For those of you who missed the fiasco you can read about it in The Columbus Dispatch:
Article - Rival councils selected
The article is good, but just doesn't compare to seeing it in motion. I think even Jamie was a bit shocked when Nancy went up and grabbed his paper. He really needs to find a volunteer Franklin County Sheriff to keep them in line. I bet they wouldn't be so bold. The only time people act like they act is when they think they are above the law. While this has been something everyone has known about New Rome seeing it in action is just mind boggling and I can only laugh at their ignorance.
The highlight of the news report I saw was when the ex- pseudo mayor Plant said to the news reporter something to the effect that Jamie must have found a way to make money and that is his motivation behind what he is doing. My response to that is: HELLO! If he wanted to make money he could have just kept running it the way it was being ran and dipped into the piggy bank like someone has been doing. Or gee maybe he is going to DOUBLE the police force!
Then some anonymous New Rome guy had the guts to say "He is making New Rome look bad"
hahahahahahahahahaha! That takes the cake! New Rome has looked bad long before you were born buddy!
Ok. Sorry about that.
Also let me apologize to those of you who have sent email recently.
I am still behind on getting T.o.W.'s and the like posted. I vow to
have it all done this weekend!
I would like to have the New Rome March in March! I want a LOT of people to be involved! Let them know that Franklin County is sick and tired of their shenanigans and we will not take their abuse any longer! Mail me at jim@newromesucks.com if interested and let me know how many people you can get to go! Once we come up with a time and date I will contact John Corby at WTVN, Steve Stephens at The Columbus Dispatch, and mail some of the local TV stations and papers to promote it. I am suggesting Saturday March 2nd at 2pm. Mail me!
12:54pm - I got my New Rome Sucks shirts today! Whoo hoo!!
They are great! I'll take a picture and post it when I can. Everyone
should have one of these beauties!
8:26am - The Columbus Dispatch printed the following article:
Article - New Rome officials to keep jobs
My question is how even that one council member can be legal if he was elected by people who were never legally on the the counci! It doesn't make any sense. There is a council meeting tonight for anyone wishing to attend and cause trouble...er help out! I can't attend tonight due to other obligations, but I will be there in spirit and intend to be at the next one.
I got an interesting email to share:
I am a former Franklin County Deputy Sheriff and
when I was younger I served as a Village Marshal or as New Rome prefers Cunningham
be called Chief of Police. Several years ago I reached out my
front door to get the morning Dispatch (We live in Grove City) and saw a
car that looked like an unmarked police vehicle parked nearby.
A few minutes after I closed the door the door bell
rang and standing outside was a man in a trench coat and suit with a badge
in his hand. The badge read NEW ROME CHIEF OF POLICE. It was Larry Cunningham
and he handed me a business card stating his name. He ask me if I had reported
a person for possible workers comp fraud and I had. In fact I hand worked
on a case that resulted in the person being charged with welfare fraud also.
Cunningham used his badge to ask me questions about
a case he was working on as a PRIVATE investigator nothing to do with his
This was an act that would get most cops if not fired
by their community at least result in a suspension. But there was no one
in NEW ROME who would return my calls and a Sheriff's Detective stated that
there was nothing they could do unless the Mayor or someone in NEW ROME would
co operate.
That's My story about Larry Now for his COPS. How can a peace officer be certified by the State of Ohio or retain Certification if they have had no legal appointing authority? Who certfied these guys on radar ? I was once certified by the company that makes most radar units as an instructor and I have a lot of questions I bet NEW ROME cannot answer in court about their radr operation.
I would urge anyone stopped by NEW ROME to tell the officer they want the ticket sent to the Franklin County Municipil Court. THIS IS YOUR RIGHT THEY CANNOT REFUSE. Challenge ticket and make the NEW ROME COP appear in court.
We need a judge in a real court to get fed up with NEW ROME not their well paid magistrate who by the way even though he is an attorney in private practice he holds court not only in NEW ROME but in HILLIARD and way out in KIRKERSVILLE. Quite a lucrative gig for the guy.
Wow Terry! That's some story! Thanks
for sharing!
10:38am - This is a truely inspiring story! (sniffle)
Titled: One for the good guys !!
Hello I just wanted to tell a quick story. It shows
how well your site is working. The Monday after the Dispatch put your web
site in the paper I was going through New Rome It was about 9
am I see one of New Romes finest drive down broad street east out of
New Rome I though this was odd so with nothing to do till about 10:30
I followed him to see what he was upto ( I figured if they can do it why
not me ) well i was disappointed to see him go to the McDolnals drive through
and I thought this is a lost cause this guy isn't going to do anything I
read about in the paper. While at McDolalds I went through the drive through
and got a cup of coffee the police officer had pulled out and I was still
waiting in line for a few cars to get their food. I was going to head home
as I drove down Broad Street heading west I see the bright lights ahead flashing
away behind a car right in front of Doctors West Hospital and see a the officer
that I had just seen at McDolalds leaning in a widow of this car talking
to a young man I would say about 20 or so as luck would have it as the traffic
light was red I pulled right up next to them rolled my window down and said
HIS JURISDICTION !!!! well the idiot cop spins around and say PULL you car
over right now I yell for what and he says for interfering in
a police investigation. I start to laugh and say to him you have to be a
police officer before I can interfere this made him madder and he yells as
he walks toward my car PULL IT OVER NOW so I think what should I do
so I pull into the Hospital parking lot get on my cell phone and call the
Franklin County Sheriff to come assist me with this new rome wanna
be he comes up say license insurance and registration and I say NO
he looked dumb founded I said I will give it to the deputy when he arrives
he says what deputy i said the one I just called he gets more upset and tries
to open my car door I lock it roll up my window and just laugh at him.Afer
a couple of minuets here comes a deputy he parks behind the new Rome
cop and they start talking and he points over to me I get out of my car with
all the paper work I needed and start to walk over to them as I do
Mr. Idiot puts his hand on his GUN! I stop and say now you know why
I called the sheriff office shit like this the deputy came over to talk
to me I told him what had happened and he said go ahead and go but be careful
because I know these guys will be looking out for you in the future I told
him thank you and asked if I could do one thing before I left he asked what
I said this all started when he pulled that young man over and I knew
he did not have any right too could I give the young man my business
card so he could contact me as a witness for him. To make a long story
short the young man called me to thank me and said he did not get a ticket
but was expecting to but because I did what I did he feels the NEW ROME IDIOT
did not have a leg to stand on he also informed me that the deputy informed
him if he were to get a ticket that he has every right to have it transferred
and recommends he transfer it to Columbus court . Thank you C. G.
Isn't that a great story! Way to go C.G.!!!! Fight the bastards!!
12:33pm - A little something submitted by Larry at 2TrueDesigns
8:45am - I paid my bribe last night. I'm not happy about it at all and I'm ready to give New Rome something to remember me by! There was concern if I got arrested that they may find something in my pocket or I could trip and fall down some stairs. Accidents happen all the time.
So as we were walking away from the trailer known as the Police Station/Court House a cop that was in the station got into his car. We thought he may follow us to our car. So we kept walking. He pulled up to Broad Street and shot into traffic and pulled someone over! Less than a minute in the car and he pulled someone over. We could only shake our heads. So we crossed the street where he had pulled this lady over and was going to talk to her after he was done. I think he let her go, but we wanted to find out why he pulled her over and tell her about our site. We lost her in the Kroger parking lot though.
I'm going to start attending the Council Meetings in my New Rome Sucks shirt. I will post meeting times for anyone who wants to join me. Also send in your best New Rome Sucks art or photos! I will start a New Rome Sucks photo section. I will post a picture of myself wearing my New Rome Sucks shirt.
Class Action Lawsuit - I am looking for people who would like to take part in the Class Action Lawsuit against New Rome. We need at least 10 people to come forward and fight them! I know there are a lot of people from the Tales of Woe would could do it, but want YOU to come forward and tell me! I will need your Name, Address, Phone Number, and your story. I will collect this info and pass it on to my lawyer and I will provide you with his information and you will have to call him to set up a time to meet him one on one. No matter WHAT you we ticketed for!!! We will get these bastards and show them we are tired of the abuse and will not be abused any longer.
Here is a story to get your blood boiling. Corby listeners may have heard about it. They went and arrested a woman yesterday for not paying her seat belt fine that she received while a passenger in a car!! They cuffed and shackled her to their bench for something that is suppose to be put in place to protect us. How about that for a load of bullshit! She would be a prime candidate for the Class Action Lawsuit!!! If you know her have her mail me!
Now for some news from The Columbus Dispatch:
Article -
AAA doesn't recognize New Rome as a Speed Trap. I now agree it is
not a speed trap. As the article says it's a TRAFFIC TRAP. It's
so much more and NO ONE should ever be advised to go through New Rome!
We need to make more noise to the County, State, and Federal government!
I'm going to get email addresses, names, and number for all to call to register
complaints. We will be heard!
5:09pm - I'm still here! After talking to my lawyer it was suggested that I pay their crummy fine and continue the fight outside of jail. I'm not sure how I feel about this though. I don't like to feel I am giving into these bastards. Yeah, I get my money back with the Class Action Lawsuit we are putting together but the idea of giving in just for a little while doesn't set right with me so I don't know yet.
So how many people would be up for marching on New Rome this Saturday or next Saturday? I want to get a lot of people! Mail me if interested and I will get a time set up, call Corby, and email the Dispatch. Maybe they will help promote it! jim@newromesucks.com
1:04am - And yet another picture:
All your money are belong to us!
12:37am - I had to post this now! Thanks GC!
hahahaha! Keep up the great work guys!
If anyone has anything like the above to submit, feel free!
11:18pm - Email I received today:
Your last posting was yesterday. Are you in jail? I hope not. Maybe time to print out those signs!!!
I'm still a free man so far! How much longer? Who knows! If I get carted off to jail someone will post an update about it. Feel free to come visit me in the New Rome Municipal Building if this does happen. (nudge nudge wink wink)
Steve Stephens said to call him if they get me. John Corby also wants to know. I am thinking about turning myself in. If I do I would like to get TV crews and reporters there and as large of crowd as possible. I want it to be a media heyday! Let them know that NO ONE agrees with them and we want them gone. They think this is all going blow over or something!
We have some interesting info to share! Pete Beagle is the magistrate for New Rome. He is the guy who seems to run things. He is the also the solicitor for Kirkersville! And from what some little birdies are telling me there are shady things going down in that little place too.
As for Pete and the Chief: You boys best start looking for new jobs cause when it is found out that the council and ex-mayor didn't have the power to extend your contracts 2 more years you will be the first two to get a pink slip.
Dreama at The Voyeur of Fashion, Art, and Politics talked to Jamie Mueller today. He said there was not much he could do. I was afraid he would say that. I guess it will all be up to my lawyer Kinsley Nyce. He is a great guy if you need legal assistance and he has helped people strike back at New Rome before. He is in the New Rome Sucks Supporters list.
On that note, Im going to post some more T.o.W. and Reader Support Mail!
Take care and thanks to everyone for your support!
Public Enemy Number One
8:45pm - Yes, I am still here!
5:50pm - Wow. I didn't know Corbs show tonight would be about bad
police! It's good though! This whole things needs to be talked
about. Get the right people listening and something will get done!
4:12pm - I am going to be on John Corbys show tonight! 610 AM. Dunno time yet!
3:11pm -
Order your New Rome Sucks T-shirts today!!!!
That's right! I found a place to get the New Rome Sucks logo put on
shirts, mouse pads, coffee mugs. Please keep in mind I am not making
ANY money from these products. All the money goes to the company
who runs the site. I see none of it. If you don't want to buy
one, make your own! Use our logo! I don't care. Just spread
the word!
Suggestion, send a box of New Rome Sucks candy to the NRPD for Valentines day!
New Rome Police Dept
30 Maple Dr
Columbus, OH 43228
We also have a picture from Michael ( michael@newromesucks.com ) in case they put me in the slammer!
1:16pm - As Elton John says "I'm still standin" Reporting from somewhere behind the lines I am not yet detained by New Romes finest. I did find a couple articles in the dispatch to share.
Article -
Article -
I wish they would dissolve it and free everyone of the drama they cause.
It's not worth it on many levels.
10:36am - My Tale of Woe continues! Got message that New Rome Police tried to arrest me at work today. How unfortunate I wasn't there. They are going to be back at 11am. Oh no, I guess I won't be there at all today. Talking to lawyer! I'll keep you all posted. If I don't post anything for a few days, maybe now would be a good time to march on New Rome and show them what we think. I think they like to arrest people at work to embarrass them and try to make an example. I think I figured out why it took them so long to try to arrest me. They just found the one literate person in New Rome to read the Sunday paper to them.
10:06pm - More mail to share!
You said you knew you were approaching New Rome so
you slowed down to 40, speed limit is 35...Pay The Ticket!
Even Yuppies gotta pay. WAH
Yuppie? Wow. Never been called that before! Interesting.
FYI, the paper was wrong. I don't live in Dublin, I live in Columbus.
Though if I had the money to live in Dublin I wouldn't be ashamed of being
called a Yuppie! Oh, and Chief! You're not fooling anyone!!
You're not going to get my money!
8:32pm - Just want to share an email with everyone.
Jim - I don't like getting tickets any more than the next guy. However, the speed limit sign was very clearly marked at 35 m.p.h. (even though it might have been a couple of feet too low). Big deal. You look like you are trying to escape on a technicality. You are either getting caught up in the deficiencies in our court system - i.e. the criminals are protected at the expense of justice, or you are one of those guys who have an inflated sense of their own self-worth. Too bad, Jim - pay the fine and move on............... Tony
I pay my tickets if I am guilty. As I have stated previously, I didn't
know the speed limit was 35 and the sign being posted wrong prevented me
from seeing the speed limit. You say the sign is posted clearly and
then point out it is a couple feet too low. Isn't that an oxymoron?
I have a question for you now Tony. What makes you think you know me
so well that you can make a this or that call on me? As a matter of
fact Tony, this isn't just about my speeding ticket. It's about $400,000
of tickets and hundreds (thousands?) of people being wronged daily in New
Romes court. They are a leech on innocent people all over and it's
time to burn them off. I'm sorry you don't have a sense of right and
wrong or feel the need to defend yourself when accused of something you didn't
do. Very sad.
2:28pm - Word of our demise was greatly over exaggerated! Ok, there was no word of demise, but it sounded good. Our hosting site had a bit of a problem and it took them about 12 or so hours to fix it. We are back with more stories of injustice, horror, and greed.
First let's visit The Columbus Dispatch for an article that mentions New Rome in a humorous way:
Funny stuff!
I still have plenty of email to posted with Tales of Woe so if yours isn't
up yet, keep watch! It will get posted.
7:54pm - Got another letter I want to share:
Tomorrow I'm going to add a link to your Web site. Please consider linking to my article at:
Or to columbusoh.about.com. Thank you for spreading the word that New Rome sucks.
John Kazalia
Thanks John! I love your articles on New Rome!
The song is great! Please be sure to read Johns articles and visit
7:28pm - I would say 99% of the email I get has been very good and positive email. Then I get a mail like this:
I would just like to comment on your website, if
I may. As I was looking over it, I was a little ticked off at most
of the stuff I read, but I thought to myself, OK, this guy is just pissed
off, and he's voicing his opinions. No big deal. UNTIL I got
to the picture of Bin Laden as a New Rome Police Officer. That made
my blood boil! HOW DARE YOU compare ANY American to the likes of that
bastard! That is simply appalling! You call yourself an American?
I think NOT! You are a sorry excuse for a human being for posting that
picture on your website. I bet you even laughed when he killed thousands
of Americans, right? You are disgusting! Believe me, myself,
and many others will not stop until your site is shut down! Have wonderful
What in the wide wide world of sports is this person talking about?!?! Does posting a picture of Bin Laden mean I support him? Do they not know what satire is? It baffles me! I can only assume one thing about this person since they were getting ticked off at most of the stuff on the site....
To anyone who has mailed me and not heard back, I am sorry. I am still going through mail from 2/3! Your mail will get answered.
Here is a link to another New Rome story from our friends at The Columbus Dispatch.
The residence are just going to have to GET OVER IT!!! The new Mayor isn't going anywhere people!
8:35pm - Reading, replying, and posting all this mail is time consuming! But I love it. Reading all the stories and making them available for everyone else to read gives us, the little people, a place to vent our frustrations about things we want to change.
And now another New Rome funny to share:
No Tale of woe….just an updated license plate with a slightly altered motto
Keep up the crusade!
Ahhh thanks American Legion! It's always good to have the most recent plates! Very well done! I have to make a New Rome Funnies section to store these for future readers.
A quick editorial from The Columbus Dispatch:
Editorial - UNBUILT IN A DAY? New Rome could dissolve if residents choose
The thought of New Rome being dissolved just brings a big silly grin to
my face!
But I can't help it. That's my current goal in life. See New
Rome gone from the maps.
2:23pm - I am getting a lot of positive feedback from everyone. Thanks!
Some of the stories are just out of this world! I have updated the
Tales of Woe and Reader Support Mail with all the new stories and feedback.
11:07am - It's in black and white and so far the feedback has been very good! And in case you missed it here is the link to The Columbus Dispatch article.
9:49pm - Let's give thanks to an anonymous support for these pictures!
Very nice! Feel free to use them in whatever way you wish to promote
the downfall of New Rome! If you make any pictures or want to share
any funny stories about New Rome please share them with us. We can
all use a good laugh.
![]() |
I have created an AIM name to chat with all you New Rome haters. If you want to talk trash with me about New Rome please feel free to IM me at the name newromesucks.
I also got the John Corby interview put on the computer. I listen to it and wish I would have added things, but I didn't want to spend 20 minutes going into detail about every little thing. That's what the web site is for!
John Corby interview with Jim
(5.5 MB)
Right click on link and save link to save the file then listen
to it.
4:39pm - There are a couple New Rome articles in The Dispatch worth reading!
Editorial -
Article -
3:35pm - Well I guess the article will be in tomorrow's paper as I suspected. It's ok! I have been getting interesting mail. I just got my first hate mail today and I want to share it with everyone and reply. Maybe this is the guy who called the Corby show. Who knows.
Nick writes:
Let me first start by saying "you are pathetic".
Why are you complaining about a ticket you got,when you where the one driving,right?
Why are you getting mad at New Rome when you where in the wrong,not them?
I hear people complain about New Rome and I ask them "Where you breaking the
law?" there answer "Yeah but" yeah but nothing "You where breaking the law."
Everyone that is one this web site is mad because they got a ticket, well
I got a ticket too but I cant complain because I was in the wrong. Why aren't
you complaining about all the drunks they take off the road so your family
can drive safely from one place to the next? Or is that not important to
you? How about the felons that they get so you and your family can live a
safer life? My point is you are all selfish,because if it doesn't effect
you directly you don't care. I enquired about the fine amounts when I got
my ticket,wanting to know who sets the fine fine amounts, I was told it is
set the council members. The lady told me I could attend the council meeting
if I wanted to, to ask them about the fine amounts, so I did. So if anyone
wants to, they can attend these meetings when they are held. So don't be
mad at the police officers for doing there job,which is to protect and serve.
If you get a ticket it's because you did something wrong! If you don't pay
for your ticket or even show up for court appearance,your an adult and know
the consequences, they will issue a warrant! What police dept. wouldn't issue
a warrant for you if you don't pay a ticket? So before you start getting
mad at the New Rome Police Dept. think about who is in the wrong! I will
just about bet you have a warrant with them and are scared that they are
looking for you, and this is just your way of trying to avoid the fact that
you are in the wrong, not them! Now I know this will not make your web site
because it is against the purpose of it,but if your going have a web site
with open opinions then is fits that catagory. So we will see just how honest
you are about this web site. If it does make the site, I just wonder how
many sentences will be altered. So I hope you are an honest person and will
allow me to voice my opinion on this matter.
Jim says:
You are so full of it, I can smell you from my basement. You obviously did not read anything on my site and had your opinion set. Your mail is answered on my site several times, but I will write it again and keep the words simple so even you can understand it. First let's ask me. "Did you break the law?" My answer is NO. I did NOT break the law. The law sets forth many "rules" that if you look at one you may be breaking it, but if you look at another "rule" you are NOT breaking it. It's a way to keep everyone happy. That is what happened in my case. Let's look at each fact one at a time and see if you can understand this. I'll type it slow for you.
Fact 1: I was driving East on Broad Street
from Alton.
Fact 2: There is a Speed Limit sign showing the
speed limit is 45 MPH before you enter New Rome.
Fact 3: I slowed down to around 40 because I
knew that New Rome liked to hand out tickets like candy and didn't want to
risk that my speedometer was off by a couple MPH and get a ticket.
Fact 4: The Speed Limit sign in New Rome is 35 MPH.
Fact 5: The sign's poor placement prevented me from seeing it and adjusting
my speed accordingly.
Fact 6: The Speed Limit sign placement WAS way out of what the law
says they have to be. This can be verified by visiting the Federal High
Administrations web site at
. This will get you to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.
Page 2A-21 clearly states "Signs installed at the side of the road in
rural distracts shall be at least 5 ft., measured from the bottom of the
sign to the near edge of the pavement. Where parking or pedestrian
movements occur, the clearance to the bottom of the sign shall be at least
7 ft."
Fact 7: The Ohio Revised Code section 4511.12 regarding Obeying traffic
control devices states "No provision of this chapter for which signs are
required shall be enforced against an alleged violator if at the time and
place of the alleged
violation an official sign is not in proper position and sufficiently legible
to be seen by an ordinarily observant person."
Fact 8: After I showed them their sign was wrong they changed
it to fit to the above laws. Here are the before and after pictures:
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
Fact 9: They STILL expect me to pay the fine even though I proved they were wrong AND they corrected it.
I hope you can see my point. Let's move on to other things you bring up in your letter. My favorite is drunk drivers. My car was totally destroyed at the end of November by a drunk driver while driving home on Rome/Hilliard Road!! Not only was he drunk, he didn't have a valid license OR insurance. You can read all about this at http://www.dreamas-domain.com/issue4/isawred . So don't tell me how the law "protects" me against drunk drivers. It would be no surprise to me if New Rome had picked him up at one time and let him go as long as he paid their fines. THAT is reality. As for keeping felons off the street, I grew up in Franklinton Township, aka The Bottoms. I saw all the felons that the system locked up and then let go because they "paid their dues." You know what I have learned? The law doesn't protect ME. It protects those who can afford to pay for it's protection. Hell, it protects those who break it more than it protects us, the law abiding citizen.
Word of advice, before you go flapping your gums you might just want to look at what your saying and think about it. Then shut the hell up.
11:18pm - I was just informed by a friend that someone called and was talking trash about me today! He was saying I spent so much on this web page and should have just used the money to pay the fine. This really get's my goat. I wish I could have heard that. I would have called up and set him straight! Since I missed that chance, let me do it here. I doubt he reads it, but just in case.
This web page cost me 9 whole US dollars. 900 cents. That's all. Nothing else. You obviously know nothing about web page building or you wouldn't make such an uninformed comment. Let me explain. I registered the domain for 9 bucks. The hosting is done by my wife's web site www.dreamas-domain.com so that cost was already paid for before this site. And since I charge myself very reasonable fees to create the page, I make it back as fast as I pay it out. I can only guess you are either A) New Rome Official trying to squeeze a little more money out before you get booted or B) someone who would pay "a reasonsable amount" for something you didn't do. Speaking of, I found a golf ball through my kitchen window. It hit my dog in the ass and caused it to suffer a nervous breakdown. I think you did it all on purpose!. Send me 100 bucks and I won't press charges for assault, destruction of property, and mental anguish because my dog was upset. Oh, and the dog want's a bone.
Ok, that's a bit extreme but do you see my point at least? If not,
move to New Rome and get a seat on the council. Then you can find like
minded people.
10:03pm - Keep sending me the mail of your experiences with New Rome or any area that acts like they make the laws and I will put them up for all to read! Also, if you have a something funny to say or show us about said place, send it along! Like this one we got:
Hi Jim. I have never been to New Rome, but I had planned to take my family
there on our summer vacation this year. I heard tell, they had beautiful town,
and I had planned to spend several thousand dollars there enjoying all the
communities wonderful events, such as the annual 50% off sale at the Porno
Shop, the 'Dairy Queen For A Day" contest, and the Annual "Show Me Your Tooth
,I'll Show You Mine" Picnic. However, after arriving at your website [totally
by chance], and reading of your misfortune, I will change my plans. I know
my family will be very disappointed [They so wanted to see New Rome...],
but I am afraid of running into injustice on my only two weeks away from
work.I guess we will just have to go to Disneyworld.....[again]... Good luck
in your quest for justice, I'll send you a postcard from Epcot!
What a riot! Thanks Al
Remember, keep your eyes open for the New Rome article in The Columbus Dispatch this weekend! Also, I will be putting up a sound file of the Corby interview in case you missed it.
10:08pm - I want to share an email I got from a concerned Supporter and the reply I sent.
I heard you on John Corby show WTVN-610.
If you don't pay a ticket, they first have the BMV cancel your driver's license. Then if and when you are stopped for anything else, anywhere else, they will arrest you for driving with a forfeited license (DUS). The BMV will also charge you a reinstatement fee ($250+). The DUS charge will give you 6 points and possible jail time, and probably raise your insurance rates. So it is not wise to ignore a speeding ticket anywhere.
It may cost you, but hiring a lawyer could allow you to challenge the whole issuance of the ticket since the government there is not really legit (according to the Dispatch).
Also, rent the video of the 1991 movie called "Nothing But Troble" starring Chevy Chase, Dan Aykroyd, Demi Moore, John Candy (Yes! All-star cast) about a similar town called Vankenville. It is a hoot, but no funnier than Nuevo Roma.
Good luck and Semper Fi.
Jim says:
Thanks for the mail. I do understand the possible consequences. Believe me, I don't take what I'm doing so lightly as what the page may reflect. A lot of humor revolves around anger and distrust. It's a way to vent the frustration about something you can't do anything about. I have talked to several lawyers and have been told that since I withdrew my appeal there is nothing I can do. Is this true or do they just not want to deal with it? I don't know what to do. Now that New Rome has but their ass in a sling, I am going to talk to more lawyers and maybe one will be more willing to consider the issue. I guess I have an overdeveloped sense of right and wrong because I could just pay the ticket and be done with it, but then I feel all this would be for nothing.
As for the movie Nothing but Trouble, I own the DVD! It's great!
7:39pm - I have added a new section above for reader support mail ! Thanks to everyone for visiting and be sure to tell your friends about newromesucks.com
Thanks to an anonymous support for the following picture. I wonder if he is a volunteer? By the way, this picture is one of several I took to show how bad the sign was placed. It has since been changed. Also note, they have the U turn sign upside down!
6:51pm - No New Rome stories in The Columbus Dispatch today, but something very exciting happened! I was on the John Corby Show! Welcome fellow Corby listeners! One thing I forgot to mention during the interview that really puts the icing on the cake. After my 2nd court appearance the magistrate/prosecuting attorney actually thanked me for educating him on sign height and said they would fix it. And sure enough the signs were moved soon after. How's that for justice? "Thanks for telling us how to make the signs legal, don't forget to pay us!"
Also be on the look out in The Columbus Dispatch this weekend! Steve Stephens is doing a story on New Rome and he interviewed me! The more attention the site gets, the more people we can help avoid becoming New Rome Victims.
I wonder if they would let me have this plate? I would pay the extra
money for it!
9:20pm - Michael Speedtrap also provided us with a map and directions on how to detour around New Rome going either East or West on Broad Street.! Use it for your own protection! I know I do!
6:00pm - Our friend Michael Speedtrap provided us with this great link, www.makestickers.com , where you can make your own Anti-New Rome stickers! He came up with this beauty:
11:00am - More article links in The Columbus Dispatch! Man.
Miss a couple days and your way behind! So anyone have any thoughts
or views they would like to share on the New Rome Conspiracy? I, personally,
am full of joy about the whole thing. The only thing that upsets me
more than wrong doing is wrong doing by the Government, who you can't easily
fight. Some may find my enjoyment of this whole thing a bit warped.
But the way I see it, what goes around is just coming back to them.
Their little scam has been a needle in the side of thousands for a long time
and it has been ignored. There really needs to be some other way to
report this kind of abuse for investigation. I may as well complain
about something else I heard about recently. They are raising the cost
of parking fines 30%!! They want to generate more revenue. How
about that! They have the ability to not only fine us and jail us,
but they can raise the penalty to generate revenue! Isn't that a great
system! But do we get to vote on this? No way! It would
mean they don't get money. Of course, we get to vote on less important
things, like giving money to schools to actually better the future.
Ignorance is bliss.
Article - 1/27/02 - A FINE MESS
Article - 1/29/02 - BYZANTINE FATE PREDICTED FOR UPSTART EMPIRE - Very funny! Read this!
1/26/02 - New Rome is really getting it from all ends now! They sent their big bad lawyer to defend their actions in court and to bully me. Now they have people who they can't just bully and it's really pissing them off. And what's even better is that they don't seem to realize they are going to lose their way of life! Now don't get me wrong. The people of New Rome, for the most part, have nothing to do with this whole crummy thing. I have nothing against them. It's the whole "government" they have going and how they were running it like their own little world. I can't help but think of the quote "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." It's so true.
Article - New Rome in danger of losing its money
1/25/02 - Just keeps getting better! These freaks just don't get it! They seem to think they don't have to live by the rules. So funny to read this day to day New Rome stuff. You know, I think I may try to get hold of the Mayor and see if he needs a volunteer. I would help him and I bet there would be lots of others who would. They are having a meeting tomorrow at 10am. I should go. I'm glad to see they are getting their just dues. I should move to New Rome so I could be there when it falls. Then I could register to vote and be on the council!
Article - Ex-mayor yields in New Rome
1/23/02 -
1/22/02 -
1/20/02 -
There was more, but I did not save the URL. They were good too.
The Police Chief was threatening to arrest the new Mayor on fraud even though
they does not fall within his power. Good stuff! I'll keep this
This is taken from www.dispatch.com . I will make a link when one is available.
Sunday, September 23, 2001
By Barbara Carmen
Dispatch Metro Columnist
It's time for New Rome to fall.
The miniature metropolis would be the envy of every burg in America if its chief claim to fame were not World's Greatest Speed Trap.
New Rome is home to neat houses, small gardens and contented citizens. Government is small. The mayor -- appointed because no one else wanted the job -- figures he spends 45 minutes a month on city business. That includes meetings.
New Rome Village Council members -- also drafted -- shun the usual windy speeches that slow lawmaking.
Entertainment in the suburb in western Franklin County consists of going to the Dairy Queen, checking out stock at the new auto-parts store and watching schlubs try to fight tickets Thursday evenings in mayor's court, which is run by a lawyer serving as magistrate.
The village police force of 13 part-time officers issues about 400 traffic citations a month in an area not much bigger than the footprint for a suburban megamall.
New Rome has just five streets and covers less than 0.1 square mile along W. Broad Street between Norton Road and West Street.
Sparse is the word for New Rome. No imposing stone buildings or copper statues greet visitors. City Hall is a trailer.
Yet rarely will you find a friendlier group of government officials -- if you can find them. Some, I am told, appear only on payday. Longevity in the clerk's office is rare; four clerks have resigned or been booted over stolen money or destroyed records.
"You've got to ask yourself, 'Does it really make sense to have this level of government for 66 people?' '' said mayoral candidate James Mueller Jr.
"Do we really want to have people saying negative things about New Rome?''
He regales visitors with speed-trap tales:
"A guest choir conductor on his way to the church got stopped and thrown up aside his car.
"A 69-year-old woman, taking her 96-year-old mother to the hospital, got a $100 ticket -- a flat fee -- for going 2 miles over the speed limit.
"She told the officer, 'Next time, I'm going to get my money's worth.' ''
Mueller is president of the West Area Business Association and managing partner of the Lincoln Lodge Retirement Residence. He, too, didn't want the job of mayor. But he and a local Realtor pal couldn't find anyone else to run and "clean things up,'' he said.
So Mueller drove two blocks west, rented an apartment in New Rome and launched his campaign.
Charles Chapman, the current mayor, wishes him well.
"I doubt I'll miss being mayor,'' Chapman said. "Frankly, it's a headache most of the time. People come to you about traffic tickets, and you can't do anything to help them.''
Mueller's campaign platform is an odd one. Other mayors pledge to be tough on crime and add cops. Mueller vows to dismantle the police department.
He wants to end New Rome's speed-trap ways by turning over patrol to the deputy sheriffs who work under contract in Prairie Township.
And maybe, Mueller suggests, it's time to dissolve the village. Its population varies between 66 and 97, and in the 1999 budget, $265,000 of the $270,000 came from traffic fines.
Mueller also plans to get traffic counts. He speculates that W. Broad Street businesses suffer because motorists take the "Sullivant Avenue bypass'' to avoid New Rome.
Mueller said he'll listen to villagers, then present options. Many, however, think New Rome is fine as it is.
"I love this place. It's home,'' said Robin Spangler, who was appointed village clerk in July after the latest scandal and resignation.
Perhaps, she allows, New Rome has one or two overzealous police officers.
Which is why -- at least until November's mayoral election -- the unofficial motto of New Rome will continue to be: I came. I saw. I got a ticket.
Barbara Carmen is a Dispatch Metro columnist. She can be reached at 614-461-8855 or by e- mail.